Latest News
January 14th
International Male Chastity Day
January 14th (1 month before Valentine's Day) will be the perfect day to bring some order in your couple, but also to send a message to your partner.
For him, staying chaste and giving up the keys to the other will be his offering, in the acceptance and respect of the rules imposed as a condition of release.
Discover the terms of participation in this event and send an invitation to your partner
Chastity cage for Prince Albert piercing
Have you ever imagined wearing a chastity device along with your Prince Albert piercing ?
The new PA attachment system from HolyTrainer is very light because it has no padlock and it makes no noise when walking. The cable is very thin but still strong. The system withstands moisture and does not rust. You can also fully customize your PA model with your choice of color, custom cartridge or a binding loop.
Custom colors
Give a festive touch to your device
Discover our new custom colors with flakes for a sparkling experience. They will make you shine during your chastity periods!
New model
A whole new feeling for the experienced users
With "The Nub", no more speech. Do you want to feel as tight as possible ? The Nub will be uncompromising and will give you new thrills during your chastity periods.
"The Nub" adapts to all sizes of V3 rings and fits just like a tube. Its mininum size makes it the most discreet chastity device from our collection.